Support Gaza : Continue Sharing Your Blessings


HDF's Efforts in Gaza with your help
3,000 meals distrubted daily | 100 Tents Built in Rafah
5,000 meals distributed weekly | 100 Tents Built in Rafah
100% Zakat verified

Your Zakat, A Critical Support for Gaza  

Direct Your Zakat to Aid Desperate Families!

Provide clean toilets. Your donation makes a difference.

Trusted by 33,000+ donors

HDF is on the ground in Gaza!

We extend our deepest gratitude to Allah ﷻ and then to YOU, for allowing us to be a part of this impactful work within the ummah.

Voices of Wisdom:
Scholars Praise HDF

Discover the profound impact of HDF through the esteemed words of respected Islamic scholars. Be inspired by their powerful endorsements as we continue to strive towards a brighter future for our brothers and sisters across the globe.

Hot Meals, Bread & Water Distribution in Gaza By Human Development Fund - Aug 19 & 21, 2024

Make a Difference: Donate Now

Zakat and Sadaqah for Gaza

Support the crucial need for clean water by contributing $150 for Water Tanks, helping Gaza access safe drinking water.
Your generous donation of $2,700 can furnish a safe haven for a family in Gaza, offering them shelter and comfort.
Families in Gaza are suffering without food and water. Your generous donation can provide ready meals to families in Gaza
Meals distributed in Gaza
Baby Formula Cans
Food Parcels
Medical Kits


Gaza Death Toll*

*As per NBC, Al-Jazeera, ABC News and the Associated Press

Gaza is waiting on us...

The United Nations has described Gaza as 'a graveyard' for children, with over 8,000 young lives lost and thousands more displaced due to the relentless conflict.

Your Compassion Will Save Lives in Gaza

⚠️ The death toll in Gaza has surpassed 29,100, with children accounting for 40% of the casualties.

Will you step forward to help save a family's life in Gaza?

Support Gaza's Innocent Civilians

Your contribution at this moment can serve as a critical lifeline for countless individuals in Gaza. Let's come together in this crucial time of need and demonstrate our solidarity with the innocent civilians in Gaza.

Your Aid
Is Essential

Your donation right now can be the lifeline for many in Gaza. Let’s unite in this hour of dire need and show that we stand united with the innocent civilians in Gaza.

Want to automate your giving for Ramadan?

This Ramadan, amplify your blessings by automating your charity during the last ten nights. Our "Ten Nights Automate Charity" campaign ensures your generosity reaches those in need on the most sacred nights.


Your donation towards this cause is verified 100% Zakat-Eligible.


Secure Giving

Give with the peace of mind that your personal information is handled with the utmost Safety & Compliance specifications.


Frequently asked questions


Why does the Human Development Fund raise funds even in situations where aid delivery on the ground is challenging?

HDFund meticulously assessed the ground situation to determine the feasibility of delivering aid and relief in Gaza. After thorough reviews and an exhaustive due diligence process, we identified a local partner who is actively delivering urgent relief to the people in Gaza.


Who does the Human Development Fund collaborate with locally?

The Human Development Fund partners with UN-registered local organizations to secure essential supplies and services. These partners are thoroughly screened to meet U.S. government and HDF's standards, and they conduct real-time needs assessments to identify those in urgent need of assistance.


What is the plan for delivering aid to Gaza if the blockade remains in effect?

Our partner NGOs in Gaza, registered with the UN and other agencies, have access to central warehouses for distributing essential supplies. When the blockade is lifted, we will work with our partners to restock these warehouses and continue distributing relief items. We also request photographic and video evidence of aid distribution for transparency and accountability when safety permits.

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